National Minority Supplier Development Council
Overview of services
Anti-racist work is inherently grief work, but not in the way that you think.
My approach draws on my experience as a lay-ordained Zen Buddhist chaplain in hospitals and hospices.
If we were to end systemic racism today, it would take no time for humans to develop a new system to marginalize others. Humans have been subjugating others since the beginning of time.
Consequently, addressing racial inequity isn't an educational issue--it is a human issue.
Rather than viewing grief solely as a response to past or present losses, I approach it through the lens of a pervasive fear of future loss. This fear—the anticipation of losing loved ones, valued places, or essential parts of our identity—shapes our emotions and behaviors in the present.
When people think about grief in the context of marginalization, they often focus on the losses experienced by marginalized communities. However, I invite those with social privilege to explore how their fear of future loss causes marginalization by creating concrete loss and suffering for others.
My work investigates the societal impact of this unexamined fear of loss, revealing it as a driving force behind all forms of systemic oppression.
Below are some of the ways you can work with me:
Frequently Requested Workshops
Grieving White Privilege
Grief extends beyond concrete, past, or present loss; it includes the fear of future loss.
This workshop supports people with racial privilege in understanding the inherent grief that comes with loss—specifically when losing privilege for the sake of equity.
Many White Americans express a desire for equity, yet they haven’t come to terms with what they must lose and grieve for others to finally experience freedom.
The truth is, when discussing equity, individuals who have benefited from privilege have much to lose, meaning they have much to grieve.
Both the New York Times and Harvard Business Review have revealed that typical DE&I efforts spark anger and resentment in White employees. Subconscious fear of loss often underlies this unspecified anger.
Recognizing and moving through Elemental Grief™ tied to losing one’s norm so that Black people can experience safety, joy, financial security, unbiased medical treatment, and equitable access to education is necessary to actualize equity.
Aspiring to fail: unlocking the key to success
A recent study shared by the Los Angeles Times showed that â…“ of the American population is “plagued” by fear of failure.
Fear of failure is one of the leading causes of anti-racist workshop opposition and disengagement.
Willingness to fail is necessary for innovation and success, from exceeding business goals to fundamentally changing racist structures. Most people don’t realize how fear of failure is tied to fear of loss–of relationships, respect, opportunity, and more.
This workshop inspires participants to embrace failure by seeing it as a step forward, not a fall.
Beyond Anti-racism: redesigning human identities
The New York Times wrote an article stating that many DE&I programs cause more harm than good by fostering an “us” vs. “them” mentality.
Humans have sought to oppress each other throughout time. When systemic racism and White Supremacy are dismantled, another system will take its place. DE&I isn’t just about cognitive awareness of racism’s current impact or understanding America’s history of systemic oppression. The foundation of all forms of discrimination is fundamentally a human issue that spans beyond current conversations, across time.
While many DE&I trainings focus on dismantling systemic racism, it is equally important to intentionally build new frameworks to replace the old in order to prevent another oppressive system from taking its place.
This workshop focuses on redesigning cultural identities at their core. Participants will re-learn how they view themselves and other people, which sets the foundation to creating equitable relationships.
Past workshop clients

Dr. Stephen Murphy- Shigematsu
Professor, Stanford University
Her workshop at Stanford was powerful and full of insight. She's a visionary who integrates her deep personal experience with broad academic and clinical training. I was so impressed that I asked her to co-facilitate a workshop with me.
JM Ponce
Facebook employee
This course articulately deconstruced power dynamics in different kinds of relationships. It also did a great job of succinctly but meaningfully outlining popular misconceptions of power and agency in a way that allowed me to focus on my personal and work relationships.
Tim Fredrick
Managing Director of Education, Youth Communication
I was very pleased. We appreciate complexity and nuance, which her work is full of--but I'm also impressed with her ability to clearly and compellingly communicate that complexity and nuance. That is a very rare ability. I'm greatly appreciative of that and value it highly!